Had little bit of regret cause today no much things to do & no topic chat with friends~
They were all busy doing their things, i'm better come on Monday *
Me went back home at 3pm...
3am-Mid night
Boy call said wants to go Genting ~
Luckily i'm not sleep yet...
He go with his friends-Loong, Fook & Chun...
Fook suggest to go, Loong also suggest too, they want to "fight" with each other ^
Then, the person who suggest to go Genting -Loong-fell in sleep...

He must be tired cause had drink beer ^
Slept at my Boy's shoulder, if he was a girl, i must slap he already ==

Me also had go, actually 10pm Boy call that wants to had a drink at S 11
I'm not followed, but at mid-night still had to go Genting with my Boy !
They want to go CASINO try their *LUCK*
Boy had win $$RM400, one sen also not in my pocket, shit !!!
The others were lose $, they happy came here, sad mood went back..
We reach our home at 6.30am morning...
We just at Genting for 2 hours, we arrived from Seremban to KL-Sungai Besi toll just spend 15 minutes, reached Genting in 40 minutes ...
Chun was the driver, he drive very fast 100km/j-180km/j, me do not sat a fast car such like this~
i'm very afraid through the journey !!
After this post, i will more post Chinese language in next post, cause my English was not really good enough, afraid one day will laugh by other visitors, then i'll very shame~
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